Last week we successfully accomplished another milestone! We accomplished getting a consistent grind through the installment of a mesh. Next the Grinder team will continue on designing a new handle for the grinder. With the advice from Professor Walter, we are going to schedule a meeting with Tucker Paris in hopes of getting a better understanding of how to get our designed milled. The Diameter Control Gap optimization team is working hard in trying to redesign the spooler wheels to a perfect diameter. This week the collar wheel came in so we are designing around this in hopes to prevent slipping. The hydrolysis team purchased new silica gels and will begin to run tests to see if there is actually water within the 3D printed PLA. On a side note, the hydrolysis team is picking up a new project, which is a DIY pelletizer. We hope to get unwanted spooled material and remelt that material into a new spool so nothing goes to waste. We will 3D print the design we found online and purchased all the required parts with this design. On a last note, we received our MDP money and will continue to plan new machinery with our increase in budget.