It is currently week 8 and time is moving. Our team has less than 2 weeks to complete the end goal of our project, which is a working prototype of the mechanical pet feeder. There are two main components to the mechanical pet feeder that need to be up and running before our examination week 10. Those two components are the food dispenser and the supplement cartridges. Recently, our team purchased a cereal dispenser and a soap dispenser to analyze the mechanics of the product. What we learned from the cereal dispenser is what we can implement into the pet food dispenser. The soap dispenser has caused our team doubt in our ability to recreate a pump system similar to the soap dispenser. The method of peristaltic pumping used in the soap dispenser is a bit complex for us to recreate in the following two weeks. As we reimagine the way to dispense the correct amount of supplements, we will be updating this blog.