Hello readers,
This quarter, the team will begin manufacturing and assembling the plane after several preliminary tests are conducted using our model featured in this blog post. The Conscendo S 1.5m RTF features a 4 channel 2.4 GHz transmitter and controller , Li-Po battery and 370-size brushless motor. We decided to go with a model tester to figure out how exactly a plane flies and how much power is required to run this setup. We also plan to train a few pilots who can successfully perform thrown take offs and catch landings. The model will also give insight to our avionics team on how a plane’s control system works and what an optimal setup looks like. We have also purchased our first solar cell samples to begin solar energy testing and feasibility of utilizing them on an airplane wing. This will hopefully confirm our initial calculations regarding energy required to fly. Once results are confirmed, manufacturing will begin and we will have a plane ready by the end of the quarter.
Our first general team meeting of the quarter will occur next week to bring the sub teams up to date on the project’s progress. We will also discuss the addition of more colleagues, preferably with manufacturing experience or general knowledge of airplanes and solar energy. If interested, please contact our Team Manager, Benjeet at bkhabra@uci.edu with a copy of your resume and a short introduction of yourself by Tuesday, January 17.
Thanks for reading,
Blake Theilacker