This past weekend UAV Forge had its first flight test of the Sig-T kit plane. After working hard the week prior, the Structures team managed to get the plane assembled and ready for action allowing them to go to Blackstar Canyon with DBF. Unfortunately, no avionics (not necessary to fly) was tested as there wasn’t time to mount them.
In other news, UAV Forge welcomed a new member, Jason Guu to the avionics team. As the avionics team saw multiple people leave or be transferred, Jason will be a valuable asset in the coming months to document and help manage the workload of debugging and optimizing the different components.
An request for money was sent to the SDP fund last week to help resolve the continuing issues associated with budget. As a project with many different, necessary components, the cost is therefore high and other fundraising or sponsor related solutions are in the
Kenzo Spaulding UAV Forge Documentation Officer