For week 8, our group generated calculations for each of our designs. The calculation parameters and equations varied for each design. For example, for our piston-rod-mass perturbation system design, the parameters consisted of the rod length, mass, and force exerted by the piston on the mass. During our meeting, we shared the calculations we obtained for our own individual design, and we discussed the significance of the results. In addition, we also discussed our approach regarding the calculations, such as what parameter values we chose to use, and why. With these calculations, we are able to have a clearer view as to where to begin when we start the prototype fabrication process. It also gives us insight as to what to expect when we use certain parameter values.
We also revisited our CAD designs and refined them as necessary, and we also reviewed, and revised, our original pros and cons list that we generated for each of our designs.
In addition to comparing and discussing our calculations, we also focused on compiling the necessary information for our group project fall poster. Each member was assigned a topic for the group poster and we each had to then assemble the required information for that specific topic. We had to keep in mind that we had limited space on our poster for each section. Upon gathering the information, we met as a group and began the process of formatting our poster layout and style. Once that was completed, we began adding our information onto the poster.
For next week, we plan to assemble a presentation that includes our calculations and findings for our meeting with our project advisor.